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Help The Needy

My Small Part - This site enables you to surf different sites and for each site that you click on, a small amount is paid by the advertiser to a charity. You can pick which charities your monies go to. What easier way to help out a little.

This is a banner link for the Save the Children Organization

The Hunger Site - Did you know that every 3.6 Sec. someone dies from hunger? Did you know that 1270 children die each hour from preventable disease? Did you know that 43,300 mothers, sisters and friends will die each year from breast cancer? See how you can help knock down those figures. Tell all your friends about it.

Missing Children Banner connection

Penny Pal - Just download a small file to your computer and everytime you or a referred person send or receive an e-mail, money is donated to your favorite charity. Good way to help with no cost to you.

This is the button to help the kids.

<BGSOUND SRC="https://easyliving2.tripod.com/music/musicboxdancer.mid" LOOP=1>

Just click anywhere in the text or in a banner to see these great sites.